Frequently asked questions

Are these sites really free?
Yes, all of these sites are free to join. Some of them may have options to upgrade by paying a small fee but that is totally optional.

Where does the money come from?
Advertisers need visitors to their sites. They pay a fee to "get paid" site owners for every visitor they send to their sites. Then site owners divide the earnings among their members.

Do they really pay?
Some of them pay and some of them do not. But you are very lucky because I only list paying programs here which I have tested personally!

How can I earn more?
Find referrals! In this way you will earn a percentage from the activities they do. To refer others use your unique referral link which can be found at the member area of the site you've joined. You can even earn a percentage of the referrals who your referrals have found!

Why should I join these sites?
Because you will have the chance to earn money for doing things that you are already doing on the web, such as reading emails, making searches, visiting sites etc. Why not get paid for doing things you already do?

How much money can I make ?
The amount of money you can earn depends on how much effort you make. By referring more referrals, your earnings will increase significantly.

What is the "Minimum Payment Limit" ?
This is the amount you need to reach before requesting your earnings to be paid.

What is the "Referral Sructure" ?
This is the system which determines down to which referral level you will earn a percentage. For example, 2 level referral means that you will earn a percentage for both your own referrals and the referrals found by your own referrals. Different sites offer different referral structures.

Which payment methods are better?
All payment methods have their advantages and disadvantages. In my experience, the best online payment systems are:  Paypal , AlertPay , LibertyReserve and Moneybookers.

Have you earned money by participating in these kind of programs?
Of course I have! Otherwise, why would I spend time promoting this website?
Rather than think and waste time, you can become a member of the sites which I have recommended and immediately, start to earn money. You have nothing to lose because all of these programs are FREE!



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